Websites that host Data Science Competitions

Steven Kyle
3 min readNov 21, 2021
Photo by Florian Schmetz on Unsplash

Sometimes we are at a loss on what project to tackle or subject area to study when trying to refine/learn your Data Science skills. If you are struggling with this partaking in a Data Science competitions could be your answer. There are a multitude of websites that host competitions that anyone can join and compete in. Not only does competing in these competitions teach and help you practice, often times there are prizes if you place in the top ranks. It is also not unheard of for employers to give job offers to the top contenders. If I have peaked you’re interest in competing, read the rest of the blog post to see what websites you should check out to compete!

The websites

— Kaggle
— Data Driven
— Topcoder
— Datahack


This website should come as a no surprise. Kaggle is THE Data Science competition website. There are always competitions going on at Kaggle. There are many types of machine learning competitions at Kaggle to choose from and each competition has a huge range of different prizes that are being competed for. It can range from nothing (doing it for experience), to Prize money (Thousands of dollars, even over 100,000), to potential employment at companies.

Driven Data

Driven Data is a lesser known Data Science competition website. This website is ideal for Data Scientists that are trying to make a positive impact in the world through their craft. The competitions that are hosted here are trying to solve some of the biggest world challenges. Not only will you be working to help make the world a better place, some of the competitions have prize money as well.


Topcoder is a unique website that not only hosts Data Science competitions but also hosts Design and Development as well. The competitions are marked with a monetary value indicated as “Purse” for the top contenders.


Crowd ANALYTIX has 3 areas of competitions: Modeling, Research and Visualization. Like the other competition websites talked about so far this one too has competitions that has prize money.


The last competition we will discuss is Datahack by Analytics Vidhya. Analytics Vidhya is a large Data Science platform that is well known. Not only does it host competitions, it also hosts opportunities to gain full time positions or internships in India.



Steven Kyle

25 year old Texan in the midst of a career change into DataScience.